Explore Sundarbans

The Sundarbans (সুন্দরবন) is a vast forest on the coast of the Bay of Bengal, one of the natural wonders of the world. Located in the delta of the Ganges, Meghna and Brahmaputra river basins, this magnificent forest covers Khulna, Satkhira and Bagerhat districts of Bangladesh and two districts of the Indian state of West Bengal, North 24 Parganas and South 24 Parganas. As the largest mangrove forest in the coastal saline environment, the Sundarbans is the largest intact forest in the world. The 10,000 sq km of the Sundarbans covers 6,016 sq km in Bangladesh and the rest in India.

The Sundarbans was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997. Although Bangladesh and India are in fact adjacent parts of the same uninterrupted territory, they have been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List under different names; Named "Sundarbans" and "Sundarbans National Park" respectively. The Sundarbans is entangled like a net with small archipelagos with marine currents, mud chars and salinity of mangrove forests. 31.1 per cent of the total forest area, i.e. 1,84 sq km, is covered by rivers, creeks, beels and waterlogged areas. According to the survey, there are 108 tigers and 100,000 to 150,000 Chitra deer in the Sundarbans now. On May 21, 1992, the Sundarbans was recognized as a Ramsar site. Thousands of tourists visit the Sundarbans every year. Numerous tourists from home and abroad are fascinated by the unique beauty of the Sundarbans. By visiting the Sundarbans he gained various knowledge from its nature.

How to go: If you want to go to Sundarbans from Dhaka, you have to go directly to Khulna by bus. Khulna can also be reached by train and plane. You can get on the Khulna train from Dhaka's Kamalapur to Khulna city. If you want to go by plane, you have to get off at Jessore. Khulna can be reached by renting a bus or car from Jessore. There are many residential hotels in Khulna city. You have to stay there at night and go to Sundarbans the next morning. For this you have to go to Mongla first. Mongla can be reached by private car or bus from Khulna. The distance is 50 kilometers. From Mongla Ghat you have to go to Sundarbans by trawler or launch. It takes two hours to go from Mongla Ghat to Karamjal in the Sundarbans. From Khulna to Mongla in the morning, you can go around the Sundarbans and return to Khulna in the evening. Besides, the Sundarbans launch leaves directly from Khulna Steamer Ghat in the morning. These are from different travel agencies. Tickets must be cut from them first.

Cuttack: Cuttack is one of the most beautiful areas of the Sundarbans. This is the best place to see a herd of deer moving in groups. And wherever there is food, there is a tiger sitting in the hope of eating deer. However, the tiger will be seen only if the luck is happy. Katka is located 150 km south of Khulna city and 100 km south of Mongla. If you want to go here, you have to go through the tour operator.

Kachikhali: Kachikhali is the best destination for those who are attracted by the sea. 14 km east of Cuttack, this beach can be reached on foot or by boat. The main attraction here is the pollution-free secluded beach. At the same time, at night, fireflies, galaxies and fluorescent plankton in the water began to play a strange game of light and shadow. And at that time the feeling of going around in a boat is different. Deer, crocodiles, monkeys and tigers are some of the attractions here.

Nilkamal: This place in the southern part of the Sundarbans is also called Hiran Point by many. This spot is about 60 km away from Mongla. The main attractions here are Rajgokhara, otters, deer and tigers.

Mandarbaria: Mandarbaria is an isolated island in the southwest corner of the Sundarbans. It is easily accessible by boat from Dublar Char or Nilkamal. Being an isolated island, solitude is one of the features here. Here sea turtles lay eggs in winter. Irrawaddy dolphins, bottlenose dolphins, porpoises, pheasants, rabbits, crabs and other crabs.

Dublar: Dublar Char is located 25 km southwest of Char Katka. Various species of fish and crabs are found here. Rashmela is held on this island on the full moon of November. Many people also visit the island to see the activities of the fishermen living on the island.

Karamjal: One of the ways to enter the Sundarbans. The waterway is only 45 minutes from Mongla seaport. For those who don't have time, Karamjal is a good spot, because you can get an idea of ​​the whole Sundarbans in half an hour. The maximum cost to travel will be two thousand rupees. Since the Sundarbans is entirely mangrove, Karamjal is no exception. On the way to Karamjal, you can see the somersault of the dolphin. One of the attractions here is to walk around the whole area along the wooden trail. There are also saltwater crocodile and deer breeding centers. Tourists come here more as it is possible to return from Khulna in one day.

Harberia: If you can get out very early in the morning from Mongla along the Rupsha River, you can walk back to Harberia Forest Station day by day. The maximum cost will be six thousand rupees. Deer and monkeys can be seen for sure. If the luck is happy, Maya deer can also be seen. And there are many species of birds. In addition, three new sanctuaries have recently been declared for the conservation of dolphins, Irrawaddy dolphins, Kalikaitta tortoises, Kalamukh parapherds and otters.

Dhangmari Wildlife Sanctuary and Chandpai Wildlife Sanctuary: About 12 and a half kilometers of waterway from Dhangmari canal to Ghagramari patrol outpost and the surrounding forest have been brought under this sanctuary. A small part of Pashur river and six parts of Karamjal patrol outpost also fall within the boundaries of this sanctuary. And Chandbai Wildlife Sanctuary with space between Nandabala Patrol Outpost, Chandpai Range Office, Andharamanik Patrol Outpost. The easiest way to get to Dhangmari and Chandpai is to rent a motorbike from Mongla.

Milk-faced wildlife sanctuary: Dudhmukhi Wildlife Sanctuary with some parts of Bhola River and Betmari River between Dudhmukhi Patrol Outpost and Supati Range Office. The sanctuary can be visited by renting a motorbike from Sharankhola in Bagerhat.